
Forums - General Chat

What you into at the moment?

    •  Rob HimselfRob Himself
    • I'm into using outlook calendars at work to spy on who's going to be interviewing for the ace new job i've applied for and where.
    •  pull-my-plonkerpull-my-plonker
    • Work. Lots of work. And... work. Boooo.

      When there's not enough time to post on 9hz, you know the balance is not right. :-(
    •  JackJack
    • Ben and Jerrys Frozen yoghurt
    •  GarethGareth
    • Jack says:
      Ben and Jerrys Frozen yoghurt

      I call it froghurt.
    •  mikemike
    • The froghurt is also cursed.
    •  90dayman90dayman
    • Been dipping into The Sopranos. Never watched any before so, starting at the beginning. It's rather good. Makes me want to eat Italian food all the time and swear a lot. So, can't be half bad. :D
    •  basstardbasstard
    • 90dayman says:
      Been dipping into The Sopranos. Never watched any before so, starting at the beginning. It's rather good. Makes me want to eat Italian food all the time and swear a lot. So, can't be half bad. :D

      It's superb but highly addictive.
    •  MazzMazz
    • Pissing off people at work
    • Mazz says:
      Pissing off people at work

      That explains the vitriolic nature of your most recent Groan t-shirt idea!
    •  MazzMazz
    • FDFC says:
      Mazz says:
      Pissing off people at work

      That explains the vitriolic nature of your most recent Groan t-shirt idea!

      I thought it was nice in nature.
    •  pull-my-plonkerpull-my-plonker
    • I'm into singing the Bugsy Malone soundtrack.
    • pull-my-plonker says:
      I'm into singing the Bugsy Malone soundtrack.

    •  pull-my-plonkerpull-my-plonker
    • FDFC says:
      pull-my-plonker says:
      I'm into singing the Bugsy Malone soundtrack.


      I could've been anything that I wanted to be...
    •  basstardbasstard
    • Feeling pissed off. Redundancies just announced at work. My job is at risk- I'm one of a 2 man team destined to become a 1 man act.
      Option a) Redundancy.
      Option b) doing 2 jobs for the wage of one.
      Maybe a life of crime would suit me better.
    •  MazzMazz
    • basstard says:
      Feeling pissed off. Redundancies just announced at work. My job is at risk- I'm one of a 2 man team destined to become a 1 man act.
      Option a) Redundancy.
      Option b) doing 2 jobs for the wage of one.
      Maybe a life of crime would suit me better.

      shit balls.
    •  OllieOllie
    • basstard says:
      Feeling pissed off. Redundancies just announced at work. My job is at risk- I'm one of a 2 man team destined to become a 1 man act.
      Option a) Redundancy.
      Option b) doing 2 jobs for the wage of one.
      Maybe a life of crime would suit me better.

      Have you considered becoming a professional musician?
    •  mikemike
    • Sucks dude, but if you are made redundant, there seems to be jobs if you have experience, I'm currently jobhunting and managing to find about 3 jobs to apply for a week, and at the moment I'm being fussy.
    •  basstardbasstard
    • Well, if it happens, we'll see what turns up. I dare say I could find something without too many problems but it would probably involve a fairly hefty commute.

      I'm probably tempting fate but I'm getting a bit more confident about my chances of being kept on.

      As for pro muso; no chance. Not with our band anyway!
      Having said that, I will spunk a fair bit of my redundancy payment on new gear if I do get laid off...
    •  mikemike
    • Just be prepared, that's all I'll say, didn't think it was likely I was gone and I ended up being. My colleagues didn't expect me to go either, but we did some maths after and it turned out it was cheaper to get rid of me than a few old timers.

Forums - General Chat - What you into at the moment?