
Forums - General Chat

What you into at the moment?

    •  basstardbasstard
    • I'm into making a fuss of our cat (Mr Fuzz) who finally reappeared after being lost for 8 weeks.

      Also into:
      Marmite on toast
      Sam Smith's Oatmeal Stout
      Listening to music on headphones (avoids a lot of arguing)
      Selling old metal shirts to people with more money than sense on e-bay
    •  MazzMazz
    • basstard says:
      I'm into making a fuss of our cat (Mr Fuzz) who finally reappeared after being lost for 8 weeks.

      That is good news..I make a fuss of our cat when I see her in the morning so 8 weeks must have been a killer.
    •  bad admiralbad admiral
    • Mazz says:
      alan says:
      bad admiral says:
      naked conversation with strangers.

      I was in a hotel last year and a guy from the next room came in and chatted to us, just in his pants. Bit odd.

      I don't see the problem...expand your mind.

      yeah alan, tune in maaaaan. tune in.
    •  pull-my-plonkerpull-my-plonker
    • Jack says:
      They went from Girl Ramones to Girl AC/DC / KISS, all good really

      I LOVE The Donnas. Don't have the first record tough :(

      I am into hangovers.
    •  mambamamba
    • I am into Guinness. It must be winter again.
    •  JackJack
    • pull-my-plonker says:
      Jack says:
      They went from Girl Ramones to Girl AC/DC / KISS, all good really

      I LOVE The Donnas. Don't have the first record tough :(

      I am into hangovers.

      Spotify will cure that.

      I'm into cool slovak girls
    •  bad admiralbad admiral
    • Jack says:
      pull-my-plonker says:
      Jack says:
      They went from Girl Ramones to Girl AC/DC / KISS, all good really

      I LOVE The Donnas. Don't have the first record tough :(

      I am into hangovers.

      Spotify will cure that.

      I'm into cool slovak girls

      i'm into posh gurlz.

      i'm also into punching and swearing.
    •  pull-my-plonkerpull-my-plonker
    • Jack says:
      pull-my-plonker says:
      Jack says:
      They went from Girl Ramones to Girl AC/DC / KISS, all good really

      I LOVE The Donnas. Don't have the first record tough :(

      I am into hangovers.

      Spotify will cure that.

      I'm into cool slovak girls

      Literally...! :P

      I'm seriously into Mad Men - we're currently watching it every night of the week - it's amazing in every way. I think we have a problem.
    •  GarethGareth
    • I'm into walking in the snow while the sun comes up listening to Wolves in the Throne Room.
    •  JackJack
    • pull-my-plonker says:
      Jack says:
      pull-my-plonker says:
      Jack says:
      They went from Girl Ramones to Girl AC/DC / KISS, all good really

      I LOVE The Donnas. Don't have the first record tough :(

      I am into hangovers.

      Spotify will cure that.

      I'm into cool slovak girls

      Literally...! :P

      I'm seriously into Mad Men - we're currently watching it every night of the week - it's amazing in every way. I think we have a problem.

    •  basstardbasstard
    • I'm into loading up the wood burner, getting the place baking hot and then nodding off in a drunken stupor (2 bottles of Jack Daniels for £25 in Tescunts at the moment. I was supposed to be putting them away for Xmas but the devil told me to open them. I had to obey my master).
    •  Tim HolehouseTim Holehouse
    • I guess touring... although sleeping and eating are my big priorities most days... ha ha!
    • I'm into listening to Witchsorrow whilst cooking...
    •  bad admiralbad admiral
    • i've been sending some naughty words off to viz for inclusion in the next profanisaurus. i'm currently into designing a big ass piece to go on my leg and thinking of more naughty words.
    •  mambamamba
    • Giving companies shit for poor customer service and generally being cunts.

      On today's hitlist... Solitaire Property Management.

      (I had some wine with lunch - it's given me the rage).
    •  bad admiralbad admiral
    • stealing credit for other people's ideas...;)
    •  MazzMazz
    • bad admiral says:
      stealing credit for other people's ideas...;)

      Sweet. Stuff like the Earth orbiting the Sun?
    •  alanalan
    • Mazz says:
      bad admiral says:
      stealing credit for other people's ideas...;)

      Sweet. Stuff like the Earth orbiting the Sun?

      Oi, that was my idea!
    •  MazzMazz
    • alan says:
      Mazz says:
      bad admiral says:
      stealing credit for other people's ideas...;)

      Sweet. Stuff like the Earth orbiting the Sun?

      Oi, that was my idea!

      I thought you came up with the concept of time?
    •  alanalan
    • Mazz says:
      alan says:
      Mazz says:
      bad admiral says:
      stealing credit for other people's ideas...;)

      Sweet. Stuff like the Earth orbiting the Sun?

      Oi, that was my idea!

      I thought you came up with the concept of time?

      No, I think that was Rich. I successfully disproved it's existence though. Sorry Rich.

Forums - General Chat - What you into at the moment?