
Forums - General Chat

What you into at the moment?

    •  mambamamba
    • Pete says:
      mamba says:
      Playing a shit pool game on the internet

      what is it? i love rubbish internet games - Fragger + sequels on Miniclip are brilliant.

      It's the one on miniclip.
    •  MazzMazz
    • Jack says:
      I'm also into setting up my website which will be an online store for clothing, rock posters, mags/zines and various other bits and pieces. Like an online rock and roll boutique. I'm talking to some cool US companies about stocking their goods at the moment.

      Quick glance here but theres nowt in the shop yet:

      Liquor Queen

      and yes it is named after an Atomic Bitchwax track

      I look forward to purchasing some purple flares from your shop.
    •  JackJack
    • I shall try my best to stock you some purple flares :)
    •  WickedWesticleWickedWesticle
    • Jack says:
      I shall try my best to stock you some purple flares :)

      No way. NO ONE in their right mind buys purple trousers, I mean come on!
    •  OllieOllie
    • WickedWesticle says:
      Jack says:
      I shall try my best to stock you some purple flares :)

      No way. NO ONE in their right mind buys purple trousers, I mean come on!

      He's right.
    •  MazzMazz
    •  bad admiralbad admiral
    • WickedWesticle says:
      Jack says:
      I shall try my best to stock you some purple flares :)

      No way. NO ONE in their right mind buys purple trousers, I mean come on!


      what the fuck else keeps his legs warm.

      i am into r&b
      i am into guarana antartica
      i am into jerky
      i am back into fake tanning
    •  JackJack
    • WickedWesticle says:
      Jack says:
      I shall try my best to stock you some purple flares :)

      No way. NO ONE in their right mind buys purple trousers, I mean come on!

      :blush: who me? No one even noticed them when I wore them, it was dark
    •  MazzMazz
    • I forgot you had purple trousers.

      You should get a patch on them...a patch of the moon and some stars..yeah...fuck GOLD.
    •  OllieOllie
    • Whatever you do don't listen to Mazz!!!!
    •  MazzMazz
    •  WickedWesticleWickedWesticle
    • Jack says:
      WickedWesticle says:
      Jack says:
      I shall try my best to stock you some purple flares :)

      No way. NO ONE in their right mind buys purple trousers, I mean come on!

      :blush: who me? No one even noticed them when I wore them, it was dark

      Mwa hah haha haaaa.
    •  alanalan
    • Jack says:
      I shall try my best to stock you some purple flares :)

      30" waist please, regular length :cool:
    •  JackJack
    • If I can find purple doom flares I shall stock them
    •  basstardbasstard
    • When I was a tiny nipper I had some PURPLE CORDUROY FLARES with brown nylon knee patches.
      I also had a genuine Mexican poncho and sombrero. If they had grown with me they would have made incredible stage wear.
    •  alanalan
    • I've got some knackered corduroy flares, and I'm currently wearing LEVI'S FLARES.

      (That capital letter thing feels good doesn't it?) ;)
    •  MazzMazz
    • I have some RED FLARES
    • I own a LLAMA WOOL poncho.
    •  MazzMazz
    • I am the SON OF GOD
    •  basstardbasstard
    • When I had the poncho and flares, my old man had a tan coloured tassled suede jacket. Pretty cool but not worth capitals. I'll have to ask if he's still got it.

Forums - General Chat - What you into at the moment?