
Atragon Volume 1

Fri 4th January 2013


/incoming/atragon.jpgThe recent upsurge in doom bands crawling out of the UK underground to spit out quality slabs of darkness continues unabated. Atragon can now be added to the growing list. This demo release lurches at you from the shadows, smothering you for a doom-approved two tracks in 25 minutes.

The beginning of The Sound in the Halls conjures up memories of classic sludge/doom albums Gateway and Dopethrone, before fully committing itself to Electric Wizard-esque, blackened, anguished doom. It is unrepentantly slow - dragging itself through like a drunk stumbling home after closing, all the while repeating and repeating and repeating the riff until you submit to it's ugly goodness. It's fantastic.

Jesus Wept is a slightly surprisingly subtly different beast, more upbeat in feel and tempo - to begin with at least - it goes on for over 14 minutes. It's more trad doom, with heavy metal influences in there which will appeal to many, and a hint of Motorhead in the start as well perhaps. I haven't been drawn back to this as much as the opener, but that's mainly due to my taste, it is another enticing offering, albeit one which goes on too long.

Another UK doom band for us all to catch up on and keep our eyes out for. Exciting times.


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    •  mikemike
    • Add your comments here!
    •  pull-my-plonkerpull-my-plonker
    • I really like what I've heard from these guys. Another great bit o' business for Chris WitchHunter!
    •  HopkinsHopkins
    • cheers dudes