
ninehertz Podcast 195

Fri 2nd December 2022


/incoming/hethumpod.jpgEpisode 195 and it's time to kick some life into the frozen depths of December. This will put some fire in your stride this week.

Mike and Pete pick, peruse and present:

Heron - The Middle Distance

Nozh - Blood Party

Seed of the Sorcerer, Womb of the Witch - Curse of Corrosive Castration

Heteropsy - Human Is Pain

Lebrique - Meth Bath

Extinction - Cloud Forest Fruitopsy

Isak - Ablaze

Roman Candle - Gaslighting Isn’t Real (You’re Just Crazy)

Ratpiss - Crime Pays//Violence Thrills

The Ninehertz Podcast ยท Episode 195 - New Release Podcast


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