
Forums - General Chat

My ideal man...

    •  JenTheHenJenTheHen
    • lol

      Apparently this...

      You are intuitive
      ...and your ideal man is toned.
      You love to daydream, your imagination is a big part of you. In relationships you like to have the freedom to dream, you hate the daily grind, which wears you down and leaves you with no energy for passion at the end of the day. You need space to breathe in your relationships.
      Your ideal man complements you with his active, sporty side. Down-to-earth, he has the stamina you are looking for, and the ability to turn you on, not just with his imagination either! With him, you will remember you have needs too... you're only human, after all.

      You are an extrovert
      ...your ideal man is also an introvert.
      You love socialising and making friends in the hustle and bustle of big cities, but also the profound beauty to be found in nature. You weren't made to stay home alone, you need to be doing things, meeting people, or going places. You love other people and are like a fish out of water on your own. Your ideal partner complements your outgoing nature with his serious side, capacity for deep thought and consideration of different issues. He like to think and often stops to appreciate moments of silence, music or beauty alone. This patient, tolerant man will show you a new, calmer way of life and may even open the door to meditation for you.
    •  noonenoone
    • do some work and stop spamming the forum!.
    •  JenTheHenJenTheHen
    • ultimatekev says:

      do some work and stop spamming the forum!.

      What is this "work" you speak of?

Forums - General Chat - My ideal man...