Tue 16th April 2019
Suffering Hour have already shown they walk a path of their own choosing. Their debut album (In Passing Ascension) delivered like a masterpiece of seasoned genre pioneers, and their first return is with a single-track eighteen minute death metal odyssey.
It coils inwards with a pulse and lashes out as exhalation. At times it is utterly cosmic, forged from materials not of this world, mind bending spirals of blackened guitar that send you hurtling through the stars. Elsewhere it is organic, of the earth and all its life and dirt. There are elements of the same magic of Grave Miasma at their best throughout.
With headphones on within a darkened room, as I am now, is to be involved in the changing scenery, thrillingly, setting your mind racing. Suffering Hour maintain the mystical aura that hovers above the rattling death metal of their core to provide an enlightening experience.
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