
Son Cesano Submerge

Tue 19th February 2019


/incoming/soncesub.jpgSon Cesano are a psych stoner rock instrumental band with a really nice vibe. The Swiss four piece jam through six tracks that'll chill you out and brighten your mood.

The highlight is the second song Cold Seep. Whether coincidentally or not, it has the clearest song structure (versus more toward free-jams of elsewhere), and is a touch heavier in the riff with a deep fuzz groove to fry the mind. It follows the templates as drawn by Colour Haze, with all the joy and relaxation and happiness that brings. It is sumptuous.

Elsewhere, Son Cesano go a'wandering. At its least effective, it just feels like you're earwigging on mates jamming out in their hazy practice room. But even then you'd be churlish to complain. Take the elongated Aberration which for a fair percentage doesn't feel like it is going anywhere in particular, yet is jaunty and playful one minute, then more delicate another, a gentle awakening in the morning as the sun rushes into your room.

The driving riff that perks up the ambling Martini Effect, the utter cool of the opening to Dust Age - there are headline passages to mention, but ultimately Submerge is an album to dive into whole and let it wash over you.

This is high quality stoner of the psych end, of Rotor or Los Natas and their ilk, and hard to feel anything else but a warmth towards it.


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