
Boyed Boyed

Wed 6th September 2017


/incoming/boyedboyed.jpgBoyed are a new name, a mere two piece from Essex comprising members of Self Loathing and Pints, but when you see the involvement and excitement attributed from two Sams, Bloxsidge and Thredder, runner of the Vetala label and producer at the Cro's Nest respectively, then it demands a listen.

They're not wrong either - this is great. It is all over in little more than ten minutes but it feels much longer as there's weight and absorption from all nine tracks. They set off at a pace, a brutal hardcore launch. There's a healthy dose of powerviolence here, but then crust as well - second track Pro Fake in particular ends delightfully old school punk.

There's plenty to please, the stomping beginning of Same Old stands out each time I play through, the Total Fucking Destruction style grind of Concrete, the riff ready lead out of Red Eye . What's truly impressive is that for what is meant to be a passing whirling blur of powerviolence, how many tracks make an individual imprint, an overall impression recalling recent Art of Burning Water output, or even the Mancunian hardcore mastery of Hammers. Heady company, but worthy comparisons for an excellent EP.


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