
Atlantis Carpe Omnium

Fri 17th April 2009


/incoming/atlantiscarpe145.jpgYet another bunch of post rock hopefuls, instrumental as well, it does seem like we have a never-ending supply of these kinds of bands, but when bands like this do come through it reminds you of why.

Atlantis are as epic as you'd imagine, but they do it with such experimentation and difference, you'd think they wanted to tear apart the rulebook from the word go.

From the samples running through the album, to the judicious use of e-bow for alot of it, they have a calm, yet strident approach to the instrumental canon, introducing electronica and even vast sections of piano and strings to further their gap from the legions of delay-pedal clutching hopefuls playing the same twinkle-to-distorted crescendo we have seen become so common over the last decade or so.

That isn't to say it is all plain sailing, the very medium demands alot more variation than this to really stick out, and Atlantis are on the cusp of something very great, it's just proving a little elusive so far.


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