
Forums - General Chat

Thursday = The start of the weekend

    •  mambamamba
    • Awesome weekend. As Jack said, got very drunk on Friday at Mantra and Crobar before passing out at Isa's at 6am(ish). Then went to Foo Fighters at Wembley which was surprisingly awesome, made even better by Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones appearance for a couple of Led Zep tracks.

      Just got home and am going to have a nice long shower and then crash on the sofa for the rest of the afternoon.
    •  JackJack
    • I went to some woods today and scared myself silly riding down some frankly mental downhill tracks.
    •  PetePete
    • Yesterday was a strange day...

      - Sipped milkshakes on a pavement in Leeds outside a vegan cafe while a doom band played full blast inside.

      - Drank eight or so pints of Guiness in the direct sun on the decks of a boat, turning myself a silly shade of pink today.

      - Came back to Sheffield and watched a noise gig in a snooker club.
    •  Tom PTom P
    • I managed to lay hands on a little bit of hashish. Obviously, I had a great weekend, doing all the usual stuff but doing it while caned on hash. I also finished re-making all the artwork for the Gritfarm demo so I'll be setting up the myspace for paypal orders today.
    •  EggyEggy
    • I lost my mobile at the weekend, i got pretty drunk in rock city stayed down nottingham woke up the next morning to find no mobile on me, i used it in rock city so must have lost it between then and the walk back to martins. All i recall of the journey from city was getting food i have no other recollection so that's how drunk i was. The ironic this was i changed my combats before i left home for some with deeper pockets so i didn't lose my car keys.

      Spent yesterday evening in the running horse feeling very hungover and extremely tired, watched some bands, then drove back home, ate pizza and slept like a log for 6 hours, rang vodafone up and now i intend having a relaxing day.

Forums - General Chat - Thursday = The start of the weekend