
Forums - Music Discussion and Promotion

Illegal Downloading

    •  noonenoone
    • art belongs to me.
      I'm still in a court case with the blackbirds , until that's settled you won't hear a peep from the feathered fuckers.
    •  WickedWesticleWickedWesticle
    • Jack Dickinson says:

      if you have seriously spent that amount then you are a fool, I have spent significantly less putting out 16 records and buying musical equipment.

      the theft of music can only be justified by those who do it because its so difficult to get caught

      I think thats unfair to call someone a fool for spending money if they want to. It's up to an individual how they wish to spend their own money, I can easily see how the cost has got that high with doing a lot of gigs in London etc.

      Yeah I think most people would be suprised if they counted the money they spent on their bands. Rehearsal costs (a tenner a week for four years adds up), petrol to rehearsal etc, strings, sticks, picks. It all adds up.
    •  BenBen
    • My personal feelings on illegal downloading is that it would be dramatically reduced if there was an easy to use and resonably priced legal service where you could download music and/or films games etc.

      Ok, so iTunes is easy to use, but charging a few pence less than a physical CD is not realistic.

      The other thing that needs to happen is a reform of copywrite - trying to licence a legal music download site at the moment is a real minefield and rediculously expensive.

      More importantly the Government (in particular Lord Mandelson) must not use the law to prop up a failing industry. I have very strong feelings in this area.
    •  noonenoone
    • I think all drugs should be legalised and available to download from government websites in mp3 format.
      The profits from this should be used to install bouncy castles on every, and I mean every, street in Britain.
      I challenge anybody to pick holes in this plan.
    •  bad admiralbad admiral
    • ultimatekev says:
      I think all drugs should be legalised and available to download from government websites in mp3 format.
      The profits from this should be used to install bouncy castles on every, and I mean every, street in Britain.
      I challenge anybody to pick holes in this plan.

      that is manifold in it's greatness.
    •  pull-my-plonkerpull-my-plonker
    • Ben says:
      My personal feelings on illegal downloading is that it would be dramatically reduced if there was an easy to use and resonably priced legal service where you could download music and/or films games etc.

      Ok, so iTunes is easy to use, but charging a few pence less than a physical CD is not realistic.

      This is a really good point! I kinda favour those sites who charge a monthly fee to download what you want in this kinda context too.

      ***WOW! this has been a really great discussion! Never thought people would get so heated about a topic such as this, but it's been really interesting to hear different points of view and different ideas - I've learnt loads!

Forums - Music Discussion and Promotion - Illegal Downloading