
Only Fumes & Corpses Read What's In Between

Wed 15th April 2009


/incoming/fumesncorpses145.jpgFirmly falling into the 'whatever' remit for ninehertz reviewage policy, Galway, Ireland's Only Fumes & Corpses are perhaps the best hardcore band I've heard in a long time.

I won't go on about Rodney, Delboy or Uncle Albert in this review, only to say their humourous name hides what is actually a great political hardcore band who sound almost exactly as now sadly-defunct I Adapt from Iceland, that is to say, raging hardcore riffs, impassioned vocals and lyrics and a few group-shout vocals thrown in to keep it crucial, as one might say at a gig of theirs.

Sarcasm aside, OFAC sound like a breath of fresh air in a genre that can be over-populated with badly-played copyist bands, the lyrics here are nothing new, but have such a fantastic delivery you can't help but play the songs again to hear them resound.

As is the norm for the genre, the songs are short, sharp and to the point, but worth investigating if you need a change from Kyuss-a-likes, and to the same coin, stagnant genres and lazy bands.


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