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Great Documentary about my hometown.

    •  ad_sotad_sot
    • Dunno if there's been much UK press for this but it's one of the most harrowing things I've watched in ages... maybe it's because I see these people on the streets everyday. It's about heroin use in Swansea, but also has some focus on devolution and how privatisation has pushed the town into social decline... there's no holding back, not for the faint hearted. There's no actors or embelishment... if anything they play down the characters problems... I have seen armed police called to a chemist to deal with the main couple involved. If it was a bigger city then these people would be faceless, but most people here wouldve been hustled for cigs and spare change of these people in a daily basis if working/living in the city.

      It's broken up into six 10 minute parts, first of which is linked below.

      Swansea Love Story

Forums - General Chat - Great Documentary about my hometown.