
Pylar he venydo a reclamar my trono

Wed 6th May 2015


/incoming/pylarhe.jpgSome albums just have to be absorbed in isolation, with every note given due attention, like the slow food revolution, is it time we gave 'slow music' a go? That isn't to say Pylar's music is of the slow, monolithic doom kind, rather it deserves space, time and concentration.

he venydo a reclamar my trono is like a fantasy-filled tramp through magical woods. Either that or like reading a Gabriel Garcia Marquez novel while out in the wilds of nature. Sections are pinned together with an overarching and grand approach to vocals and hanging chords, but it's the orchestral flourishes that make this release particularly unique. It's as if a doom band has watched Pan's Labyrinth and listened to a load of Kayo Dot's back catalogue before settling down in the studio.

The drone interludes that pave the way for new sections to take flight serve as opportunities to surprise the listener, often with jarring elements that underline the sense of unbridled creativity at play here.

Pylar have seen fit to make this a single, 45-minute epic. That makes perfect sense, with no need to break up the ideas, it makes this very listenable. Just try listening to the caterwauling mess towards the end and couple this with the acid-trip artwork, it makes for a head-swimming experience.


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